12-16-2010 Newsletter


Ice is paralyzed water.  It's like a promise of freedom, waiting to thaw.  I love that about winter.  The static moments of pure hope, silver and white, unblemished in a silence as fragile as crystal – you can live on that.  Live in it, if you learn how.  I used to watch it from behind glass like everyone else, but when I became my own furnace, the window opened and my other four senses came online.  You can't be cold when you're putting out heat.  And your soul will put out heat, if you let it.

If you don't believe me, ask a tree.  Trees strip for winter.  Strip right down to their x-rays, their very souls.  And you can see each impulse they followed in their lives, reaching out a limb here, a tentative finger there, each turn showing where they made a free choice to grow in another direction.  And yet, ultimately there is structure and form and balance and symmetry and total logic in where they went.  They do it their way and weather the storms.  Trees know the nuances of individuality and freedom. 

Part of what I just wrote is from this month's column over on Storytellers Unplugged: BLEEDING FRESH, MILES ABOVE TINTERN ABBEY.  It's kind of a photo essay (11 photos), and I hope not too personal to come across.  Here's the link:  http://storytellersunplugged.com/thomassullivan/2010/12/15/thomas-sullivan-bleeding-fresh-miles-above-tintern-abbey/ 

Am skiing a couple times every day/night and seeming to cram 100 hrs into each 24, yet active “thinking” remains the consuming passion of my life.  I’m a lousy spectator, but probably a decent observer, if the difference between the two comes across.  Gathering information means nothing to me if I can't reflect on it.  I'm ashamed to have shared so little of it, both in the experiencing and in talking about it with someone.  Trivial as it may seem, I think the depth and quality of perception and communication as much as anything determines whether or not our lives are going to waste.  Experiencing something and processing it are entirely different levels of existence.  We are not sea slugs merely digesting food and jangling nerve endings in the currents and waves of life.  Feelings are enhanced by penetrating thoughts and poetic words.

Sharing photos is easier, and in addition to the 11 in the SU column linked above, the ones below include my son Sean and his 1-eyed dog Tess in her squirrel costume for Halloween, the first snow scene from my bedroom window this year, a gorgeous lake in Norway sent by publisher Jan Fredrik-Lockert who is flying me in to speak in Oslo this March (we also get to ski Holmenkollen during the World Ski Championships!), and the logo “Sullygram calling…” wittily conceived by the eclectic Doc Foto (folksinger Mark Manrique).  Doc Foto also sends this hilarious JibJab video:  http://sendables.jibjab.com/view/b5mYjXuaellrIcaXkRe5

And as best I can, allow me to share tonight's ski in the middle of a beautiful snowstorm.  Yes, I was the only crazy out there.  The only one who got to ski the trackless sweeps and dunes that sometimes engulfed my skis and other times felt like white velvet beneath my feet.  The blizzard chased skeins of snow along the carved surface, swirling around my boots like surf.  Something like a foot and a half of new snow fell, quickly congealing into marzipan shapes while loose diamonds whipped past me at breathtaking speeds, looking for all the world like dust on alabaster and rising into ghostly pillars to hold up the night.  Alas, you had to be there.  Like my tracks behind me, the full force of palpable enchantment is quickly gone before I can adequately describe it.

Sorry I STILL didn't get to a new sax video for YouTube, but here's what's up now [ http://www.youtube.com/user/Sullysax1#p/a/u/1/d49rY3FQ5ic   ].  Hit “subscribe” on the site if you want to be notified when a new video goes up.  Meanwhile, I'll probably spend at least part of Christmas and New Year's eves skiing alone in my favorite haunts.  And when I get to a certain snow-capped summit that feels like the top of the world, I will connect to the Wizard Divine behind the Universe and shout my prayer of thanks for your friendship.

Thomas “Sully” Sullivan

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Spouse: someone with whom to spend the rest of your life watching TV. Passion second. Communication third. No thank you.

I want 2 lie in bed with a smart, beautiful woman & do a crossword puzzle together until we find all the synonyms 4 passion, intimacy & romance.


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